Montessori School Granada

Phone Number

(+34) 958 50 85 38

Our Location

Granada, Spain​

Montessori Childhood: We Empower the Next Generation


At Granada International Montessori School (GIMS), we want to extend a heartfelt thank you to our remarkable community of parents. Your trust in us, as educators and guides, is the most valuable gift we could receive. You’ve entrusted us with your children—their growth, education, and the early shaping of their character. This partnership is sacred to us, and we are committed to nurturing this trust with unwavering care, respect, and dedication. As you provide your children with strong roots, our role is to help them develop their wings.

As a Montessori school, we deeply value the home as the first classroom. Your influence is visible every day in your children’s enthusiasm, curiosity, and kindness. We are honored to build a Montessori childhood on this foundation. Every time they walk through our doors, they carry the essence of your values, and it is our privilege to help cultivate these qualities into a lifelong love of learning and discovery.

Our Mission: To Nurture, Educate, and Empower

At GIMS, we are more than just teachers—we are mentors, partners, and an extended family. Our mission is to nurture the whole child, helping them grow not only academically but also emotionally, socially, and morally. By providing an environment where they feel understood and empowered, we ensure that your children thrive in every aspect of their development.

The Montessori philosophy guides everything we do. We believe every child is a unique individual brimming with potential. Our responsibility is to foster that potential through hands-on, self-directed learning experiences. Watching each child blossom—from their first days with us to the moment they confidently move on—is a profound transformation. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of that Montessori childhood!

Montessori childhood

The Power of Passionate Teaching

Our teachers are here because they love what they do. Teaching at a Montessori school is not just a job; it is a calling. Every child that walks through our doors becomes part of our story, and we are deeply committed to their development. Our Montessori guides are passionate about nurturing independence, kindness, and a love for learning in each student. They do this not only through their lessons but through the relationships they build with your children.

We understand that education is not a one-size-fits-all process. Every child has a unique way of learning, and our guides celebrate this diversity by fostering each student’s strengths. Our classrooms are places of encouragement, where challenges are met with support, and every success is celebrated. This isn’t just a Montessori school—it’s a thriving community where every child knows they belong, and every parent feels they are part of something truly special.

The Gift of Childhood

Childhood is a fleeting yet magical time. At GIMS, we honor each child’s pace of development, ensuring that they have the space to question, explore, and grow. Our Montessori approach is rooted in respect for the individual journey of each child, focusing not just on academic preparation, but on creating joyful, meaningful experiences every day.

These early years shape the adults your children will become. We are proud to play a role in this critical stage, creating an environment that encourages them to follow their curiosity, embrace challenges, and discover the joy of learning. We don’t just prepare them for the future; we give them the tools to create it.

Montessori childhood

A Year of Growth and Discovery

As we step into another year at Granada International Montessori School, we are reminded of the larger impact we all share. Together, we are cultivating the next generation of thinkers, leaders, and innovators. With your support and our commitment to excellence, we will help your children discover their passions, potential, and purpose.

This year, we’ll continue to foster curiosity, celebrate growth, and spark a lifelong love of learning. Thank you for trusting us with the education and development of your children! Together, we are creating a legacy of empowered, confident, and compassionate individuals who will shape a better future.

We are not just preparing our children for the future; we are empowering them to shape it.

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