Montessori School Granada

Phone Number

(+34) 958 50 85 38

Our Location

Granada, Spain​


A family of families

We recognize parents as the first teachers in life. Therefore, the families who have chosen this school are committed to educating their children. Our goal is to collaborate with them to provide the best possible educational experience for their children. On this page, you will find information about Montessori resources for parents of GIMS community.


You can read everything you need to know in our school Handbook.


We encourage parents to play an active role in their children’s education. As a result, we invite them to observe in the classroom, participate in family workshops and activities, help organize field trips or school events, and connect with other parents, creating a network that links the classroom with the community and, in turn, with the world.

Montessori School Granada

“The way in which children are brought up in a culture is a reflection of how political decisions are made, and the way in which we establish relationships with other cultures and countries. Montessori’s philosophy has a large sociocultural and political impact, since it suggests that by dignifying childhood on a large scale, we can purify and reset our own culture.”

Rafael Román – Founder of GIMS

Montessori School Granada


All of the adults at GIMS form part of an Adult Learning Community, and we invite all parents to participate in frequent sessions to learn more about pedagogy and Montessori resources for parents.

Moreover, we have GIMS support groups to help the school organizing celebrations, helping to improve the facilities and maintain the vegetable garden, as well as creating events for raising funds.


What they say about us

We love working closely together with parents, hand in hand to ensure home and school are aligned with shared goals.

Their feedback is our guide, and also the best reward they can give us!

Montessori School Granada


Granada International Montessori School is a private school for children aged 3 to 12.

In an effort to educate the whole child and to inspire children to be caring, socially responsible participants in their community and their world, we have carefully prepared the environment to be rich in diversity and supportive of the developing child.

From The Blog

News & Articles

Read our latest blog posts and learn more about Montessori education.

Actualización de Medio Año – Progresos en Nuestras Metas de Mejora Escolar

10 years of Montessori international school in Granada

10 años de colegio Montessori internacional en Granada


Join our community!

The school’s community of families helps to organize festivities, improve facilities, and maintain the garden, as well as create fundraising events.

An AMPA is being developed, and GIMS families have formed gardening, extracurricular activities, and family leisure groups.

Furthermore, all GIMS adults are members of an Adult Learning Community, and we encourage all families to attend regular training sessions to learn more about Montessori philosophy.

Join the GIMS family today!

List Of Events

Upcoming Events

Look out for our news and events,

and get to know our community up close!

Presentation School Year 2024

Presentación Curso 2024

End-of-Year Festival

    contact Us

    We are happy to answer your questions and show you around!

    We are located in Gójar, a few minutes walk from both La Zubia and Ogíjares, and a 10-minute drive to the center of Granada. Please, do not hesitate to call us for any inquiries. Or you can fill the form and we will contact you!

    Opening Hours

    Monday - Friday

    Granada, Spain

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